Good News 8171 Mobile Registration for BISP

I welcome you to my website. I hope you are all well. Viewers have come to you with a big update and latest news regarding Benazir Income Support Program. A very big project has been announced and inaugurated, now the mobile registration has been officially started by the government. What will be the benefit of this mobile registration for you? Benazir Kafalat has not received any assistance till now, then let us know the complete details, viewers, let us tell you that Federal Minister Shazia Murri has informed the complete details about this new system while inaugurating the Mobile Registration Vehicle Center in Karachi.

Good News  8171 Mobile Registration for BISP

He said that the mobile registration center has been started with the cooperation of German and Sindh government. During his inauguration, he also formally inaugurated the mobile registration vehicle in 25 districts of Sindh and Balochistan at Ghotki, Umarkot in Sindh province. It will be used in Sanghar and Jamshoro districts including Chagai Khuzdar, Lasbela, Sibi Loralai, Qila Saif and other districts of Balochistan province where these mobile centers will be camped. German government and GIZ have cooperated in their purchase. Through the mobile registration vehicle process will be made easier for the beneficiaries. Support is to be provided.

Good News  8171 Mobile Registration for BISP

He further said that we have to fight poverty and terrorism together. On this occasion, he has also told that in the beginning, Bisp members were given 1000 rupees per family and under the Benazir Kafalat program, now 8750 rupees per family. The number of beneficiaries has increased from 7.6 million to 9 million in the last one year. BISP staff ensured that the relief money was delivered to the beneficiaries in the worst conditions during the floods. Among the 2.8 million flood victims, Rs. 25,000 per family. 70 billion rupees were distributed according to Viewers Let us tell you in this regard that the mobile registration vehicle that has been formally launched will be accessible to all those people in all areas where there are no Benazir Income Support Program offices and The number of deserving people there is also very high, these bisp vehicles will go there and the whole staff will also be with them and they will go there and complete the registration of all the deserving families. The Benazir Income Support office near them was not even known. In the mentioned areas, the data of all these people should be collected by going door-to-door through bisp mobile registration. And they will be made part of the kafalat program, of course, this is a great effort on the part of the government.

Good News  8171 Mobile Registration for BISP

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